gamers8 winners

EpikWhale & Malibuca win Gamers8 Fortnite tourney

Teams competed for a portion of a massive $2 million prize pool at the Gamers8 Fortnite LAN. The event was divided into two parts: Zero Build and regular Fortnite Battle Royale.

The Gamers8 Fortnite LAN in Saudi Arabia completed last weekend, with EpikWhale and Malibuca finishing as Battle Royale Duos champions. They each received a cool $125,000 after winning an extra $50,000 in the Zero Build event.

gamers8The Gamers8 Fortnite LAN experienced some early problems. The competition drew a slew of notable names, like Tfue and Pokimane, as well as other Fortnite pros. However, many others declined to come. Some players even got hot on Twitter with those who continued to attend. While there is a sizable prize money at stake, some players choose not to go because it is being held in Saudi Arabia.

It all came down to the last minutes in one of the most surreal finishes we’ve ever witnessed. Chapix & zAndy and Kami & Setty were also close, but it was the international duo who won when it mattered. This was the first time they had ever played together.

All the magic happened in the last minutes, when EpikWhale and Maribuca were pressing hard. The circle became a little tangle of old builds after a heated conflict erased much of the surviving lobby. Malibuca and Epik were trapped in the bottom of the buildings, with little breathing room. The two had to make their way through the storm, snatching kills from stragglers while staying alive. The pair took a chance late in the game. There were just two teams left, and Malibuca was down to its last few constructions. The two were temporarily separated, with opponents gaining the upper hand. Malibuca, on the other hand, pulled off a hazardous play through the storm with the med mist to remain alive and regroup. The duo then eliminated the remaining adversaries and won the Victory Royale for the whole tournament.

Overall, Gamers8 put on an excellent Fortnite event. Of course, the setting, prize pool, and big list of celebrity participants added to the excitement, but everything else, from the commentary to the scheduling, was outstanding!

Battle Royale Top 5

  • 1st – EpikWhale + Malibuca [$250,000]
  • 2nd – Chapix + zAndy [$150,000]
  • 3rd – Kami + Setty [$100,000]
  • 4th – Andilex + Skram [$75,000]
  • 5th – Hen + Queasy [$50,000]

Zero Build Top 5

  • 1st – Pinq + Anas [$250,000]
  • 2nd – Hellfire + Trippern [$150,000]
  • 3rd – EpikWhale + Malibuca [$100,000]
  • 4th – Kovaaks + Refsgaard [$75,000]
  • 5th – Liwshe + Stenno [$50,000]

Given that 44 teams qualified, there were a lot of players that went home empty-handed. Still, LAN experience is always beneficial to an esports professional, so it wasn’t time lost.

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