Multiversus: The Ultimate Crossover combatant game
MultiVersus bills itself as the ultimate crossover combatant, a “dream come true” situation in which anybody may battle anyone else. It’s an audacious challenge to Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a game that pits an unrivaled all-star cast of video game characters against each other. Many claimants to the throne have come and gone, but MultiVersus makes a strong case. The game, which is currently in open public beta, has solid principles, charm, and attention to detail that previous Smash clones lacked, making it one of the greatest platform fighting games ever created.
Ehh, stick 'em with the pointy end, Doc 🥕 #MultiVersus pic.twitter.com/X7qxoWSUzO
— MultiVersus (@multiversus) August 18, 2022
Warner Bros. is attempting to achieve exactly that with the aid of developer Player First Games, bringing together an eclectic lineup of fan-favorite characters that somehow includes Harley Quinn, Bugs Bunny, and Shaggy all at the same time. While the end result is some joyous multiplayer pandemonium, MultiVersus is also ambitious in its laser concentration on competitive multiplayer. Some of the more casual parts have suffered as a result, but its emphasis on 2v2 online battles remains a unique perspective on an increasingly saturated genre.
The next Icons in Preview Rotation are….. Drum roll please…. Arya, Lebron, Steven, and Batman! #MultiVersus pic.twitter.com/IAVZLDyt53
— MultiVersus (@multiversus) August 15, 2022
At this point, it’s normal platform fighter stuff, but MultiVersus achieves a few critical distinctions that really set it apart. The first is how the game manages its roster—every character is assigned a certain class: tank, support, mage, bruiser, or assassin. Tanks like Wonder Woman and Iron Giant can withstand more damage and are more difficult to knock out, but they are often slower. Assassins such as Finn the Human and Arya Stark are swift combatants who use every trick in the book to do massive harm quickly.
It's day two of Open Beta! What are you doing looking at this post?? Go play! #MultiVersus pic.twitter.com/RZ4F1GnbP8
— MultiVersus (@multiversus) July 27, 2022
Most players will not be able to access the majority of the roster when they first log in. After all, this is a free-to-play game, and with that comes microtransactions in a variety of currencies. Although the game does provide a rolling list of four trial characters, the majority of the combatants will remain locked. Fortunately, you may obtain these warriors with in-game gold as well as the premium currency Gleamium, which can be purchased with real money. The grind to unlock every character through gold, on the other hand, is far longer than it should be.
MultiVersus is a rowdy and enjoyable competitive platform fighter that rewards players for knowing the strengths and limitations of its diverse array of characters and for working together as a team. It lacks the pick-up-and-play aspect of a game like Smash Bros., but it does a good job of distinguishing itself from other games in the category. MultiVersus may require some time to expand its currently limited variety of levels and characters to reach its lofty goals, but its foundations are already rock strong.